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Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003 - 11:29 A.M.

Feeding Finchie

Today's weight: 201 pounds Original Weight: 212.5 Total loss: 11.5 pounds

By golly, I might just have fixed the boy.

Two weeks ago, today, he began barfing. He had a cold, congestion, and a really bad cough and a light fever. By nightfall he was also barfing.

Five days later, on Thursday, he was still barfing although all of the other symptoms had passed. Dr. gave him some anti-nausea pills and tested for ulcer and strep, both of which were negative. Finchie showed no signs of dehydration, but the Dr. was concerned, as was I.

Four more days later, Monday, FInchie was still barfing but went to school since he had missed a whole week. I wrote a note to excuse him from P.E. I figured since he hadn't had anything to eat for a week, he was too weak to do much. MOTH went to the Dr. and told him that Finchie was still hoarking, and so the Dr. ordered further tests. In the meantime, every time he tried to eat anything, and I am talking about saltine crackers, he barfed. Every morning when he woke up...he barfed. Before bed he barfed.

We went for the tests. And he still barfed. The Dr. then said we should go to a gastroenterologist.

You know, I once worked with a brilliant man named Chuck who told me, in the context of our job with B.D. kids, that unless a life was in imminent danger, people should go slower and think smaller. Go slow. Think small. I think he's a gifted man.

So, when I got home from work last night, I took a look at what we knew. Finchie had been operating on an empty stomach for almost 2 weeks. He was sickest in the morning. He drank fluids throughout the day, keeping some down. When he ate anything, even crackers, he vomited. When he was empty, like in the morning, he said there was no food coming up, just some mucus (sorry, that's gross). We ruled out: strep throat, ulcer, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance, impaired kidney function, impaired liver function, intestinal blockage, abdominal abnormalities, bowel blockage, infection, anemia or other blood abnormalities.

So I thought about Chuck's advice. Should I run to yet another Dr., who with medical tunnel vision will likely ram a tube down this kid's throat, causing further emotional trauma, or do I have time to wait a bit? And I had my answer. There was nothing in these tests indicating the need to rush. Despite his vomiting, the child wasn't even dehydrated. So I followed rule #1. Slow down. I decided to give it a little time. If he was still puking by Monday, then time was up, and I'd make an appointment for the tummy Dr.

Now, step #1 is OK, but it's genius is in combining it with step #2.

We had done the anti-nausea pills. They didn't work. We did the anti-gastric acid medication, no change. SO I made it simpler and got some over-the-counter Emetrol. Pregnant women swear by it. Ok, it didn't work, but it was worth the try. So I had to find a way to make it even simpler. What was the common factor? He didn't vomit so much the fluids, it was when he ate something AND when he was emptiest.

Perhaps the empty stomach was being irritated by whatever that mucus (sorry again) was. Maybe it was a mild sinus thing that was keeping this stomach thing going. And since the stomach was so churned up and tender, even mild food wasn't staying down.

What could be simpler than chicken broth? Not a danged thing. So, I opened a can, threw in some garlic for flavor (he's dying to TASTE something) and I allowed him 1/4 cup of clear broth every 30 minutes. He balked at the amount and the interval, but dammit, this thing was now MY baby! I took charge and didn't sway. He had 4 servings, and when that can was empty, I told him that was it for the night. I advised him to go to sleep to keep his mind off the hunger.

I feel a little guilty because this morning I realized that I used a can of Campbells broth, and it was condensed so I was supposed to add a can of water, but I didn't. So he really got cheated on the amount. But you know what? He didn't barf before bed. He kept it down. And you want to know what else? Huh???????? Do ya????


In fact, he says he feels pretty good. I already had a can of broth hot and ready for him. But he's not ready for it yet, go figure. The schedule for today is 1/2 cup every 30 minutes for the first can. If he keeps it down, then later today we will repeat the same, only with a SMALL amount of rice mixed in.

Slow it down. Keep it simple.

Thanks, Chuck.

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