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Friday, Dec. 29, 2006 - 10:56 P.M.

He's Done

Iraqi government officials who are close to the case described a very different Saddam, one who was extremely nervous Friday evening when U.S. officials reportedly handed him over.

"He is in a state of shock," said Mithal Alusi, a parliament member who sat in on the government's day long meetings Friday about Saddam's fate. "He came apart. He realized he couldn't escape this."

Did he crap himself as they strung him up? Did he panic as he swung by the neck, suddenly realize he was nothing more than any of the poor souls he'd slaughtered and tortured? Before anyone tells me that this crap heap should have lived, let me remind you of his legacy:

"I swear by God, I walked by a room and ... saw a grinder with blood coming out of it and human hair underneath," Mr Hassan told the court.

"My brother was given electric shocks while my 77-year-old father watched." "One man was shot in the leg ... Some were crippled because they had arms and legs broken.

"My brother and I were in the same prison for four years, just a few feet apart, but we would not see each other."

Mr Hassan described how Saddam had personally assaulted a 15-year-old boy in prison. "Saddam said to him, 'Do you know who I am?'" he said, adding that when the boy answered "Saddam", the former president picked up an ashtray and hit him on the head.

As he listened to the testimony, Saddam chuckled and half smiled to himself.

I do not believe in the death penalty. But I do believe this bag of wind and DNA is best dead. God forgive me for that. And all of the whiners who now bitch and cry and moan about how the U.S. should have stopped this execution should SHUT THE HELL UP because they are the SAME ones who are bitching about us being in Iraq and how we should let Iraq handle their own affairs.

Well, they handled it. THEIR way. No endless appeals, that's the American way. No legal maneuvering. That's the American way. No presumption of innocence. That's the AMERICAN way. He hated the American way. He got what he deserved. He got MORE than he deserved, because from what I am reading, he got dignity. He got preparation. He got health and welfare considerations. He just didn't get his way.

Too. Fucking. Bad.

I won't be watching any of the video or images of his execution if I can help it, although I'm sure the television will play the images over and over and it will be hard to avoid them. I feel that by watching them, especially enjoying them, I'd be no better than he, a shit-splat of cells enjoying the misery and death of another. No thanks. I'll just say a prayer of thanks tonight that he is gone. I don't believe his death will bring peace, and I believe that violence will continue, and would continue regardless of the hanging by those who live for war and hatred. But for now, there are voices cheering the decision.

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