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Friday, Sept. 10, 2004 - 8:29 P.M.


Well hello. Again. Hello.

I was so shocked a few minutes ago when I went to see my stats. I wondered if my average daily hits would have gone to zero. Instead, it's 22! I see that I have a big surge on Sunday, all you fans checking to see if I actually returned, huh? The really weird thing is that many of the recent hits are from odd places (one is from I swear to GOD!).

Anyway, I'm back. I actually managed to gain a few pounds, I think, while I was gone. I also managed a few other things. So, with no big fanfare, please. the things I did while I was away:

1. Got all of my blood tests finished.

2. Found out that my thyroid is sluggish.

3. Contrary to preliminary findings, I found out that I am NOT diabetic.

4. Discovered that walking 1.5 miles a day at my weight on my small feet will result in sprained ankles.

5. I stripped the wallpaper off my living room and hallway walls.

6. I repainted the newly naked walls.

7. I painted all of the upstairs doors white.

8. I pulled out all of the carpet and padding and butt loads of staples from my living room, upstairs hallway, and stairs.

9. I threw out an old crappy couch.

10. I brought up an old crappy chair from our bedroom to fill in part of the void until we can afford to replace the old crappy couch.

11. I spruced up the hardwood floors.

12. I cleaned up the kitchen.

13. I replaced the crap mobile with a 2001 Toyota Corolla.

14. I agreed to let the Beast graduate from High School in January.

15. I spent every possible minute watching the Scott Peterson trial coverage on Court TV.

16. I watched the Republican Convention.

17. I spent a day in Wisconsin with MOTH.

18. I took eldest back to college, and spent the night in a hotel with MOTH instead of going straight home.

19. I spent too much money on Ebay.

20. I bought new bras.

Ok, if I have to resort to news about bra buying, it's time to end the list. I enjoyed my time off. I'm glad to be back. School started up, the kids came back full strength this week.

I miss Eldest, I worry about Finchie, I disagree with Beast, I cuddle with my Weeman

and I love my MOTH more than ever. So really? Nothing much has changed.

It's good to be back.

Won't you PLEASE leave your feedback here?
3 readers left their mark on this one!


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