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Monday, Aug. 04, 2003 - 5:02 P.M.


Today I got lost in the fog.


First off, I hate Mondays. For some reason I usually wake up with a sinus headache and I have a hard time getting out of bed. I thought about skipping my shower to allow a few more procrastinative moments in bed, but decided that would be rude. I did take the time to put my contacts in and makeup on, thus deciding to forgo feeding Bug and myself. I think I was still punishing myself for the turkey dinner I had yesterday (which actually meant I was punishing myself additionally because I didn't allow myself anything to eat besides that yesterday!).

I also took time to stop for my coffee with white water added. Late or not, I HAVE to have my coffee.

So off I went, knowing that if I made good time, I'd get there just as the students arrive (8:00). It was 7:40. I drove in silence, no radio. I wasn't particularly daydreaming. I wasn't being absent minded. In fact, in some places the patches of fog were so severe I had to concentrate very hard. I kept to the right lane because I didn't think it was a good thing to drive like a maniac when the visibility was about 12 inches. The other motorists apparently didn't agree.

I know I moved over to the left lane at some point, because I have I-Pass and there is only 1 express I-Pass lane on this tollway. So there I am, just driving and concentrating on driving well. But the fog was really intense. And I remember thinking several times, "Geeze, this stretch of road sure is taking a long time." It also seemed to look different. Really unfamiliar. It was so weird.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after 8, and I hadn't gone through the toll yet. Now I was really confused as to why the ride was taking so long, and why it was looking so unfamiliar. And I started to panic a little bit, not like a major panic attack or anything, but I got this feeling that I didn't know where I was. And I kept on driving, trying to find some kind of landmark. But I couldn't see anything familiar through the fog. And I don't pay attention to things like mile markers, because I've driven this same path for 2 years!

And then I saw it.

"Wrong City next 2 exits."

Shit. I not only missed my exit, I even went through the TOLL without noticing! How the hell does THAT happen? And mind you, I didn't "just" miss my exit, I was off by TWENTY TWO MILES! Talk about feeling like a horse's ass!

Tomorrow I think I need to eat something for breakfast, even if I am running late!

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