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Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 - 6:43 P.M.

Meeting New Friends

Ahhhhh, nothing says friendship better than a good cup of coffee and a donut. Well, I guess a class of Italian Soda and a bottle of Perrier Water do too, because that's what was consumed last night when I met aimee.

We got off to a rough start, seeing as though I told her I'd meet her at Borders, and then promptly went to Barnes and Noble. But she was wise enough to actually take my phone number WITH her, as opposed to writing it down and leaving it on the kitchen table as some other idiot might have....yeah.

So once I actually found the right place I might never have found her because she was not exactly wearing what she said she would, and her hair was longer than I thought it would be, she looked younger than I thought she would be, and she wasn't nearly as "fat" as she implied. In fact, I might have just turned around and walked out, but she had a wonderful smile and so I didn't and we sat and talked like we'd known each other for a very long time.

Imagine how nice it was to finally have an uninterrupted intellectual conversation with another woman. I was in heaven. I think she was more surprised than I over the fact that we even talked politics and religion (and we are not in total agreement on either) in a friendly and interesting way. At least I thought so. It was nice to do that.

We went out for a bite to eat after that, talked until the outdoor shopping area closed and the lights went out and a cop actually hovered til we parted. Geeze.

Apparently, from the emails and tags I've gotten from my last post, I have many readers who suffer from incontinence. Yikes. But as far as I could tell, no pants were peed, no gasses were emitted, at least not audibly.

I hope we do it again soon, aimee. It was a pleasure to meet you.

P.S. HEY! I busted my knuckles today to get this frigging comment page up, so don't let me down, leave a note OK? I think it will be better than the guest book or tag board if you have a comment about a specific post. I thank ya kindly!

Won't you PLEASE leave your feedback here?
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