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Saturday, Aug. 25, 2001 - 9:08 P.M.


IbeaMutt. Mutts are not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, if I liked dogs (daddy was a mailman, thus I was born with anti-canine genes), then I would prefer a mutt. They have all of the weird shit bred out of them, and take on the best of their ancestors. Like Most Americans, IbeaMutt. Irish, English, German, Jew. I can't claim much knowledge on the "Jew" part. I was always told I was part "Jew" by my dad, who was always told he was part "Jew" by his mom. So I don't know really.

The Irish though, I do know. That much I experience in my everyday life. See, my temperament is attached to a very long fuse. However, the fuse is indeed there, and at the end of the fuse is a full bodied Irish charge.

I think that the "X" shortened my fuse. By a lot. In fact, I think perhaps "X" has eliminated my fuse.

First of all I suffered through an intolerable breakfast this morning with my parents and Beast and the MOTH. It just was loud. Some kid was screaming, dishes clanking...I just found myself wanting to scream at everyone to shut the hell up! Of course, I didn't let it get in the way of finishing my Hawaiian omelet and pancakes, but it did make me cranky.

Later, I had to go to Best Buy to get my HP Printer/fax/copier cleaned. Can I just state right here and now that even when I had a nice long fuse, I hated Best Buy? They are the worst, they suck, they are corrupt, they are HORRID! Get my drift?

So I was looking for my service agreement, you know the one they sucker you in to buying with the lie about how you can bring it in as often as you wish for the next 4 years and they will gladly clean and shine and kiss it and make it all better even if there is nothing wrong with it!

So first I find the service agreement for the printer that I hate because it never worked right and I just never had the motivation to take it in (Lexmark 7000). That expired 3 months ago. Shit. Do you THINK I could find the HP service contract? Shyeah right.

So I take it in anyway, figuring maybe they will have it on file like they claim. Over at the "Customer Service" counter (they have NO idea what customer service is), Miss Iamabitchbecauseihavenevergottenlaid looks up my phone number and finds that there is a service contract purchased on the date I bought this HP, however the SKU# seems to be for a different HP product. I carefully explain that there must be a mistake, as I have no other HP product. She stares at me like I have just shit on her counter. Before she even opens up her blow-hole, I can feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. Beast, who has been standing next to me, knows that the fuse is about to end, and wisely steps back.

The argument begins.

Now the reason I am wondering if the "X" is at the root of this is because I normally am extremely non-confrontational. I can slice a person to bits when their back is turned, but face-to-face combat is something I avoid, nay, run from. But I stepped up and went at it with Miss I. It ended with a mighty "FUCK YOU." I don't think she was fazed much.

Beast and Finchie and i went to the Mall (yes again) to pick up my engagement ring which was being repaired (loose stone). I realized half way there that I had left the claim ticket on the kitchen table (what the hell is it with me and receipts?). I mentioned this fact to the beast, and she looked a little worried. What, she wanted to know, would happen if they wouldn't give me the ring without the receipt? My answer was a truthful "I will remove her tonsils without anesthetic." I almost got the chance.

They couldn't find my ring. My eyes must have flared along with my nostrils, because the gal got a strange scared look on her face when she asked me if I had my claim ticket. I tried to assure her that my attitude had less to do with her than it had to do with my recent experience at Best Buy, and as I told her I was on my LAST NERVE over things like this, she wept with relief: ring found. Thank you.

Finchie caught my mood, got into a snit with Beast who apparently got too close to him which made me snap at both of them so we stormed out of the Mall and drove home in angry silence. I took a nap on the couch, freaked out when I awoke and couldn't find the remote control and blamed the war-state of the house, and I think if you just read my last core meltdown, you'll know how it all ended.

I don't think I like the "X."

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