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Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 - 9:42 A.M.

Happy New Year!


After reading many diaryies, I thought that if I did my "Year in Review," it wouldn't be an original idea. I mean, it wouldn't have even occurred to me if I hadn't seen others do it. So, I'm taking a pass, although I may take a stab at it next year. Who knows?

Last night's party at Little Bro's was wonderful. Eldest, Little Bro's Eldest, and Karen's Eldest Son were all AWOL, but we forgive them for having lives outside the immediate family. John Holmes had a radio interview at 11:00 P.M. via telephone so we got to listen to our family "star" and then, of course, made our own background noise to get noticed. Lots of drinking, none in excess. We played Cranium and then a dice game or two and then our favorite Royal Rummy. Odd how the youngest niece is always the big winner! Midnight came in loudly, God we all have big mouths. Little Bro is also a New Year's Baby, so we sang a very loud and off key tribute to that. We got some alone time and he shared some special thoughts and music with me, and before I left, I got to see his eyes light up because of a special birthday gift. It was all good.

Well, since I don't want to do a year in review, I thought I'd share resolutions. Not that it's a unique idea, but at least I thought about doing it on my own. I usually don't make resolutions, but then I often don't get things done. SO, I'm going to try it this year and see if it helps any. Here are things I plan on doing this coming year:

� Get Bug declawed.

� Fix the van so it will pass the emissions test.

� Get Beast and Finchie their driver�s licenses.

� Pay off debts.

� Successfully complete my bankruptcy case.

� Get Ex#1 to pay his share of child support and help with college expenses.

� Lose weight. SOME. ANY!

� Start a savings account.

� Get our Life Skills program at work into a marketable form WITH MY NAME ON IT!

� Spend more time with family.

� Pay bills on time.

� Finish the work we began on our bedroom.

� Redecorate the living room (paint, curtains, refinish floors)

� Post more regularly (ok, I mean have fewer gaps)

If I actually accomplish these things, I may become addicted to resolutions. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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