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King B.O.

How It Should Be Done

I Didn't Vote for Him

New Math?

VOTE 2008!

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Other Places I'd like you to visit:

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She is my daughter!

JohnnieV, a Sensitive Father.

Cosmicrayola, my cyber sister

MKM's Words, a friend whom I admire.

BillF has an opinion or 2.

My Jazzy friend with international flair.

Uncle Bob, the 1st blog I ever read.

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Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 - 6:21 A.M.

This Little Piggie Went ...

It's that time again, time when I realize that I am not posting more than I AM posting, and it bothers me. I check my site meter and I see my numbers fall drastically.

It's May, which is a bitch in any education field, but special ed. especially due to annual reviews. Spring fever, my kids winding up their school year, Eldest hitting the road for summer know, same ol' same ol'.

I need to refocus. The idea of this stupid blog was to monitor my weight loss, and I did that for a bit. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone who reads this that I'm out of control, heavier than when I started this thing. I need to get back on my diet, and I need to do it fast. For health reasons, it's becoming more important every day.

MOTH finally got to a good doctor who has every confidence that he can control his asthma here in Illinois and also took away his diagnosis of emphysema. Thank God.

I'm not sure if I am going to change my layout (which would be nothing more than a procrastinative move) or how long I'll be off. It won't be too long. PLEASE don't forget me or remove me from your buddy lists, I'll feel so insecure. And if you haven't done so, join my notify list so I can let you know when I'm back.

Until then....SMILE!

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Who's Who in Ibe's Diary (last UPDATED September 21, 2008)

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