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Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 - 10:10 P.M.

Shock and Awe

I've taken a LOT of heat for my last post, about supporting our actions in Iraq and I don't feel like defending my position any more right now. That's my right too.

I am quite irked at the assholes who are killing each other whilst protesting the violence of war. Incredible. Simply insane. I especially want to thank all of the idiots who have demonstrated in Chicago...thanks for wasting our precious tax money on riot police. Next time you wonder about pot holes remember that the money that might have repaired them was squandered by you. Wouldn't it be ironic if we were hit by terrorists and couldn't respond because all of our resources were tapped out on the demonstrations. But then, they wouldn't care.

It's odd. I happened to be at my mother's tonight. Scrap-booking and watching the war. Crazy.

And can we use the phrase "shock and awe" any MORE frequently? It had a nice ring at first. However now that it is used in every sentence, it's gotten tiresome. I suggest a new drinking game. You have to take a shot every time they say "shock and awe." You won't last long.

I'm tired. I've been shocked and awed enough for tonight. Despite my support for our actions and our soldiers, I have a stepson over there, possibly a step daughter and/or her husband (we don't know), a nephew and a boy I think of as another son. It's worrisome. I don't want us to be there. I don't want war. I don't want death. But I also don't want terrorism, I don't want to feel the threat of terrorism, and the uncertainty of world safety. So I pray. And I feel very tired.

And shocked. And awed.

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