Leave me a little smackeral of something, won't you?

Go ahead, tell me what you REALLY think:

your name:
your email:
your url:

jazz left a message on 2004-07-28 18:00:40
You absolutely get to have your own opinion. Rock on.
'Lil Bro left a message on 2004-07-28 21:40:44
So, what was your point again??????????
MOTH left a message on 2004-07-28 21:46:05
I had a few thoughts about the conversation you had today but they wouldn't fit in this little tiny box. I put them on the guest book. Greg especially, please go there and read. I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Ibe left a message on 2004-07-28 21:49:56
Oh Little Bro, you CRACK ME UP!!!!
MOTH left a message on 2004-07-28 21:57:41
Ok. Now you make me wish I'd taken the high road lil bro. Sorry.
fannie left a message on 2004-08-18 15:41:13
You know you're right. I think most things you say are correct because you are honest as well as a smart cookie. Tell anyone that is nasty to you to kiss where you can't and forget 'em. xo B

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