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Amy left a message on 2004-09-11 18:19:48
That was extremely funny, in an appalling sort of way. What I have to wonder is, if he believes a "negro" is a terrible thing to be, how come he uses the polite word for it??? All the racists where I come from would have heard the other 'N' word bandied about casually since infancy.
Bridgette Lloyd left a message on 2004-09-12 10:07:12
Okay, you are hilarious! You are such a creative writer, a realist, and just down right funny! I really think you're missing your true calling - a stand up comedian. Anyway, you're list from the 10th (your day back) was great. I can TOTALLY relate to the weight issue - I've had one pretty much my entire life -- can't remember when I ever felt thin. I'm at my highest now (5'5", 229 lbs.)and can't for the LIFE of me figure out how the HELL to get it off! I look to you, which is really weird, because I don't even know you at all, for a kind of support. I did want to ask you one thing....have you ever tried 'Solidax'. I came accross it on the internet, but as you know, you can't trust certain things on the internet. Just wanted to know if you'd tried it and what your thoughts were on it - or anything else for that matter ...... :) Thanks and Keep On Writing!!! Bridgette
Fannie left a message on 2004-09-14 22:15:46
Oh my, I have very few words to express my reaction to this. As usual you were fabulous...people should walk behind you taking notes. Honest to goodness, taking notes. You never cease to amaze and impress me, Hon. I love you.
Fannie left a message on 2004-09-14 22:17:44
You are amazing, Sweetie. I'm stunned by the whole thing, but proud of how you handled it - as always. You are my hero. xo
ALLY left a message on 2004-09-14 22:52:32
First, Fannie...I, for one, DO take notes!!! I learn something every day from Ibe at work!!! And Ibe - you could not have depicted the truths of that moment any better...all in a day's work, eh?
ibe surrogate daughter left a message on 2004-09-22 11:23:09
time to update mom!!!

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