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Amy left a message on 2004-11-04 04:58:09
I'm glad you are happy, and I hope you are right. I realize that a lot of my ranting is of the "worst case scenario" variety, and I do fervently hope that our system of checks and balances will work out. But we now have a Republican majority in Congress, and it is very likely that Bush will get the chance to appoint up to FOUR Supreme Court Justices during his term, and he stated during the 2000 election that his 'model judges' are Scalia and Thomas... ultra-conservative and not a little shady, what with Scalia being a good bud of Mr. Cheney and all. So there is a very REAL chance that Roe v. Wade could be defeated and goodness knows what else. And for the record, I KNOW that no one over in Iraq has been drafted... yet. And of course Bush and Co. say they don't want a draft and I believe them. But they are short on manpower now. If the war drags on, or god forbid we have to fight N. Korea or Iran, where are the next round of soldiers coming from? If you feel my ranting is overly fervent or insulting, it's not just because I am 'disappointed' that my choice didn't win. I feel that my child's life and the lives of other kids I've come to know and love may be on the line. And if that is even the merest possibility, then I want to know BEYOND A DOUBT that the war that got us into all that was just and absolutely necessary. And I do not believe that the war against Iraq was.
cobra74 left a message on 2004-11-04 07:03:21
Amy, just to comfort you a little. The United States military is seeing record recruiting right now. It does not appear that we are "short of manpower." What we are short on, and the reason we can't deploy all the troops we need, is lack of equipment. Thanks to the previous Democratic administration and their huge military budget cuts. And if more troops are needed we can always pull the troops from Europe and given their disdain for the USA, I hope we do just that post haste... Just my humble opinion from talking to many of my military friends. cobra74
l-empress left a message on 2004-11-04 08:16:17
Look, it's over and we'll deal with what we have. But, cobra, do you think we'd have more money for equipment if there hadn't been a huge tax cut to the wrong people? Remember, it doesn't "trickle down." When rich people have more money, they use it to buy stuff from other rich people. A little simple arithmetic (don't talk microeconomics vs. macroeconomics) tells you not to give a tax break at the same time you're going to war.***Sorry, ibe, didn't mean to start arguing on your nickel.
cobra74 left a message on 2004-11-05 22:22:19
I-empress, Reaganomics was "trickle down" and we had just come out of the Depression when the WWII war economy started. I don't subscribe to your logic, but that's okay too. It's a free country and we are all entitled to our spin... Ibe, sorry, but you know my passion for this stuff :)

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