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wench77 left a message on 2005-07-12 23:42:15
yo! I'm here via an "I" banner... and yeah, well, shit happens eh!! At least you spilled your guts to a friend and then got rid of all the food. Ya gotta not NOT eat breakfast and lunch tho, especially after eating a bunch. Note that if you are good about eating well most days and then you have a huge pigorama just on one day or three like that, apparently cuz it is a freak thing for your body, your body doesn't put away the calories like it does if you eat too much every day. Just a thought of encouragement. I agree with whomever posted about the 3 lbs being water... hell with all that salt and sugar? bloat city!! Not to mention ya probably hadn't shit out all that volume yet (to put it very bluntly). You could just weigh the food you ate and then see that if it hasn't exited your body, it still is the same weight, not on your thighs but in your gut. Don't stress it. Longterm habits longterm habits. And sheesh, get some good FLAVOURFUL bread, not flavourfree bread! Something nutritious and filling with lots of grains that you actually ENJOY! I swear. No one can change one's diet longterm if you don't enjoy it. and yeah. forgive yourself for one weekend of debauchery. Like I know anything, ms advice here I am! LOL! I love the piglet and pooh thing you have on your template where piglet is just checking in. love it love it. tah!! and good luck, you'll totally make it you will!!!
Ibe left a message on 2005-07-13 07:54:18
I don't know that there is enoguh water on the planet to flush out this system, and I honestly don't think it's water, but of course one can hope! I'm back on track, MOTH is very supporting. Thanks.
jennifer left a message on 2005-07-15 13:26:33
Hi--I, too, followed your banner here the other day, and then came back to read some more. Nothing else to say except that I'm sending you some good thoughts. Changing your lifestyle--ESPECIALLY your eating style--is incredibly hard, and I wish you the best of luck!

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