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Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 - 11:06 P.M.

Sleep Injury!

Ok, it's 10pm and I've just had 6 hours of sleep. I passed out the second I got home, and damn near shook the house house to its foundation with my snoring, according to MOTH's report a few moments ago. So now, when I should be going to bed, I've already had a full nights' sleep. Why?

Well, I had a hell of a night last night. Partly because of my emotional state. Also, I had about 5 cups of coffee with dinner last night, which doesn't make it hard for me to sleep, but it DOES cause me to dream so vividly I wake exhausted.

I know that somewhere in my head I have a screenplay which will make me rich and famous. That is, if I can unlock it. It made its debut last night in my dreams and let me tell you it was brilliant. Some day I may be able to bring it out again.

Not only did I have a exhausting night, I also had another sleep injury. Most people hurt themselves sleeping by getting pinched nerves or straining muscles. Nothing so mundane here. I awoke with a searing pain in my throat. Unable to swallow, i thought perhaps I had dehydrated myself, then remembered all the coffee I drank. So I worked at getting some moisture in my mouth (OK, I tried to work up some spit) and then swallow. Oh my God.

Once again, I had injured my uvula.

One of 3 things happened. 1: I was so dry that my uvula stuck to the back of my throat (unlikely). 2: I snored so badly that I sprained it. Can you see me going to the Dr. with a sprained uvula? Do they make a split for something like that? Physical Therapy? anyway, since I hadn't woken MOTH, it seems unlikely that it was that.

Based on the fact that I am still in pain 18 hours later, I am guessing that I have a cancer sore on the back side of it, likely caused by whatever the hell virus is living in this house.

Well, I am going to go to bed and try to sleep off this mood. By the way, Finchie hurled yet again this morning. Dr. and I are playing phone tag.

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