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Sunday, Nov. 13, 2005 - 11:34 A.M.

Forward, Ho!

So I have to be at church an hour early for choir practice. And every week MOTH offers me a temptation to stay at home, but I'm trying to behave and be a reliable member of the choir, so I go. We did the warm-ups as usual. We usually practice once, sitting in the first few pews and iron out any issues, then sing it once more in position and hopefully find all issues resolved.

We had a bigger issue today.

Two measures into the song, the fire alarm goes off. This is an interesting thing, especially to one who is involved in the fire drills at school every year. Those are practiced, these are not. But, in true Pavlovian fashion, we heard the bell and we herded out. Gil Favor's (or Rowdy Yates' if you prefer) whip couldn't have done a finer or more efficient job of getting everyone out of the building, into the cold WINDY Fall weather. And we waiting for the fire department.

And Waited.





And Waited.





And Waited.




And I began to resent the taxes I pay for this "service" of fire brigade we supposedly have. I was awfully glad that our Mayor is in the choir and was witnessing this disastrous response-time. He was on the phone yelling his head off. For Christ sake (sorry, it's Sunday), our PASTOR is on the freaking fire department, and even HE wasn't there yet. His wife (our accompanist) was on the phone yelling HER head off. All of the children were huddled inside of our choir robes which were flapping wildly in the wind.

Finally they trucks rolled in. 3 of them, followed closely by the Pastor's vehicle.

They had all of their garb on, grabbed their gear and went in while we.....waited.

And waited.

When they emerged and called an all clear, we could all still hear the blaring of the alarm....which, it turns out was not the alarm at all but rather our sound system which had blown out and was making the speakers scream the same deafening tone as a fire alarm. Were our faces red.

I guess, then, that since no alarm actually sounded thus the fire department hadn't gotten the alarm, the response time was pretty ok. And like cattle, we do know how to herd at whatever frequency the speakers and the alarm share, and we herd back inside when given the all clear. No questions, no confusion or panic. I guess those fire drills in school DO pay off!

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