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Wednesday, Jul. 28, 2004 - 3:47 P.M.

You Missed The Point!

Is everyone missing the point on purpose? Did I SAY that Michael Moore is a liar? Did I SAY his movie is a bogus piece of crap? Did I SAY that I don't listen to any other view points?

First of all, my post was not about Moore's movie itself. It was not a critique of the movie, so I disagree with Greg in the tagboard there that I HAVE to see the movie before I comment on it. First of all, I am an American too and I have a voice too and I don't HAVE to do shit before I talk about anything I want. Secondly, I was not talking about the movie. And thirdly, my post was NOT about the movie!

Read this next sentence very carefully.

[This is about the] utterly ridiculous notion that the entertainment industry somehow has the inside scoop and poop on the real story. That they somehow KNOW the truth. That Michael Moore is a brave and important political watchdog.

THAT was the point of my post. I started recreating that post, sentence by sentence in order for those of you so upset to show me exactly where you lost my point, and then I decided screw it. This is my site. I am no less entitled to put my opinions and views on my space than any other author or film maker. The FACT is, and I will repeat this until I am hoarse for those of you too challenged or blinded to get it, is that YOU DON'T KNOW THE FACTS! Hello? Did you hear me? YOU! YOU who says that Michael Moore's movie is based on and filed with FACTS! YOU DON'T KNOW! You don't know any more than I know that it is a bunch of lies. There are intelligent sounding arguments out there spouting both sides. There are web sites that site specific examples for the truth of the movie clips, and there are just as many that challenge that clips were taken out of context.... But I digress.

Because my point was NOT about the Moore movie!

My point is that there is a new trend that makes heroes and specialists out of familiar faces. Michael Moore is merely the newest and probably the most successful at looking like a authority on a subject he's spent a relatively small amount of time studying. His specialty is film. And his film specialty is persuasive documentary style. And if you feel like what he had to show you in his latest movie is enough to make you base your voting choice, so be it. But I contend that the Hollywood voices, Moore's amongst them, are manipulated by those whose specialty politics IS! What makes Michael Moore knowledgeable about the inside dealings of politics? What does he know about international relations? What is his experience in national budgeting? And for that matter, from where do any of the Hollywood actors, actresses, writers, and directors get their sudden political knowledge?

Wake up kiddos. When you post that "everything in his movie is a fact!" (and that is a quote from the tag board) you are proving my point. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS FACT AND WHAT ISN'T! You BELIEVE it is fact, and that is your right. Perhaps you believe it because you know he used real footage and real audio...but you yourself are smart enough to know that images and words and sounds, plucked from context, are not representative of the truth. Did Michael Moore use any footage or sound bites out of context?

Guss what?

YOU DON'T KNOW! Neither do I. Perhaps not, but YOU, YOU who claim down there that EVERYTHING in the movie is fact, YOU do not KNOW! You are being manipulated, perhaps toward the best candidate. Just be aware that manipulation is taking place. And it's being done more and more by people who may have no more knowledge, perhaps less knowledge, than I.

Michael Moore is a film maker. He is a story teller, that is his trade. Al Franken is a humorist. Susan Sarandin is an actress. Brad Pitt is an actor. I found an article on the net, subtitled: Everyone knows you should leave discussions about national security to actors. So I'm not alone in what I'm trying to say here.

Won't you PLEASE leave your feedback here?
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