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Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006 - 9:44 P.M.

Creepy Justice

I just HAVE to share this creepy true story of Halloween karma that happened last night.

It was about 10 P.M., and Finchie was getting ready to out with his cousin to a haunted house. He started to put on his starter jacket, one that you pull on over your head. As his head peeked out of the neck hole, I saw what looked like a huge bug crawl out from the coat and over his face, across his lips, and back down inside the front of the coat. He was in the act of pulling the coat down over his body, and his hands were sort of trapped.

When he felt the thing crawl across his lips, he began spitting and freaking out, he was flailing under the coat, but his arms were constrained and he started freaking out really bad. He was trying to peel the coat off, at the same time he was slapping at his head and chest and spitting and jumping. And being the nurturing comforting warm mother I am, I was howling, doubled over with laughter, crying tears of hysteria, my arms also flailing but up in the air and then down on my knees and back up in the air. I screamed too, but with hysterical laughter. Oh my God, it was one of the funniest things I ever witnessed.

When he finally got the coat off, he was more than a tad pissed...still freaked, but pissed at me laughing at him, and I don't blame him. The he pointed at me and yelled, "IT'S ON YOUR SHOULDER!" Before I could even accuse him of lying badly I saw the damn thing on my right shoulder, headed for my jugular. Ok, centipedes don't go for human blood, but it turns out it wasn't a centipede. Now I am screaming, both in horror / fright and also still over the damn sight on my son's freak-out. He's STILL spitting and trying to calm down and it is my turn to put on the show. So I am screaming, and trying to stay calm and brush it off of me, but in reality I find my legs and arms all moving in opposite directions and I'm slapping myself everywhere at once and stomping and jumping and screaming more, and MOTH comes tearing up the stairs just in time to see the giant SPIDER land on the floor.

Quick thinking Finchie jumped on it, and then continued I think for like 6 or more times, just stomping it right into the kitchen floor tiles. When it was clear that it no longer had any living cells we quietly looked at each other, my face still stained with tears, and I said, " I had that coming, man,"

He left for the haunted house, but I bet he didn't even blink there after the hair raising event we had. I giggled all night long. God I am a sucker for physical slapstick, even when it involves me.

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