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Friday, Oct. 29, 2004 - 7:28 P.M.

Osama Yomama

I wasn't going to use this space to express my political views, I get tired of the vitriol and hysteria around this election. But to stay quiet when everyone else is speaking up doesn't make sense to me. So I'm speaking up, not real loud, but just giving my opinion, which will not change over the next several days. If you cannot accept my views as mine, if you feel the need to insult or be nasty if faced with opposing political views, then please do not read this, and please do not engage in arguments. I won't play that game again. I'm entitled to my views.

Given the latest "fuck you in the ass" from Bin Laden, his newest tape in which he not only takes "credit" for the events of 9/11 but makes more severe threats against us, I feel angry. Not afraid. Not afraid because I trust the man in office at this moment can and will do everything to keep me safe. God forbid an attack occur with John Kerry in office. I never want to feel like I did on 9/12. And I will with him in office. This is the man who STILL does not realize that we never would have gotten, nor would we EVER have gotten, the United Nations Security Council's approval to enter Iraq...because the head of the U.N. was taking Saddam's bribes, as were France and Germany. Hmmmmm..... Safe? Not when he can't add up this simple equation!

He hasn't a clue. None. He's out there aligning himself with movie stars and rock stars, treating the voters like a bunch of mindless assholes who can't see through his tactic. Do people REALLY vote for someone because Bruce Springsteen backs him? Brad Pitt and Jon Stewart and Michael Moore have no inside knowledge of the government and combating terrorism, no first hand knowledge or experience, they just have a built-in audience and it's very easy and popular to oppose a war. If they had any working knowledge of government they would have not wept about Bush "stealing" the election from Gore...they would have recognized the need for a recount, which is allowed for in our Constitution, and they would have realized that when the ballots are recounted, even if they don't like the end result, the person with the most votes, no matter how slim the lead, wins that state. They apparently don't understand the electoral college system. They don't understand that the President IS their President, even if it's not the person they voted for! But what do the facts have to do with anything? They're FAMOUS!

Did they NOT hear our President declare war on terrorism, all terrorists and those who protect them? Why is it that I heard that, and they didn't? Am I the only one who didn't want ANOTHER term of empty threats to Saddam to show proof that he had dismantled the WMDs? He had to show proof of them being gone, we didn't have to show proof that they were still there.

Is anyone else out there the least bit enraged that the "news" now has very obvious bias that they don't even TRY to hide anymore? Is it slipping into being ok not to report the whole facts just to keep their preferred candidate safe? What happened to reporting facts? Where are the facts? Dan Rather "exposes" clear lies, lies that are carried on all the stations, and then begrudgingly makes a feeble mumbling half-assed apology, and is allowed to remain on the air! AS A "REPORTER!"

News that hundreds of tons of explosives are unaccounted for sent cries of foul across the airwaves...and Kerry screams from the soapbox that the President is at fault...and doesn't even blink, let alone stop broadcasting inaccuracies...lies...when the 377 tons turned into 250 tons which might have been less than 10 tons, which turned out to have been missing since before we went into Iraq...but that story is a very quiet one. And then when it appears as though the Russians, yet another country that refused to align with the U.S. in taking action against Saddam's refusal to cooperate, assisted in the transport of the explosives, Kerry bleats on, not taking a breath to try and sort out the facts! And when Major Preston (yes someone with actual working first hand knowledge of the war and it's weapons) says that it was actually the US that destroyed the explosives as they had been directed to do...well that didn't make the front page of the papers. I suppose the first hand account from the man IN CHARGE with munitions destruction at the Al Ka Ka site wouldn't know more than Michael Moore or Bruce Springsteen, would he? Kerry cries out, falsely, that we didn't have a plan! Sounds to me like we had a plan, and that we followed it. But then, who am I? Certainly no one with a television show or a film contract.

Folks, can John Kerry keep us safe in the face of a promise from the pig master Osama's promise of a bloodbath, the likes of which we've never seen before? And before you jump to the safe old "it's all Bush's fault," please remember that Bush can't be blamed for the prior 2 bombing of the World Trade Center or the USS Cole. In fact, it may very well be that the lack of action in response to those events spurred on the 9/11 attacks. But then, it's so much easier to blame the sitting President.

It's so easy to align with those who have famous faces and decry the killing of our youth, without realizing that by doing so you deprive our soldiers of the respect they deserve for signing up and serving for the VOLUNTARY armed forces.

It's easy to find something you don't agree with and use that as the basis for wanting if the President had the power to ban gay marriages without the votes from Congress. He doesn't have supreme dictatorship. He can't act alone on this issue, nor any other issue, without the Congress backing him. He hasn't acted on ANYTHING without the backing of Congress. One man does NOT run this country no matter what is said to the contrary.

My prediction is that Kerry will use litigation to challenge each and every State he loses and that he will attempt to delay the naming of George W. Bush as the winner, just as Gore did. I doubt he will be satisfied with a single recount. I imagine he will carry on and try to prove the voters so stupid that they can't punch a card or press a button accurately (again). And if the count goes to Bush, I am sure I will hear cries of "thief" for another 4 years.

If a recount is warranted, and the count supports Kerry in enough states that he carries the electoral vote, then he is, unfortunately, my President for the next four years. And God help us.

Oh yeah, and Osama...bite me.

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